Fishing for Dinner, 2023, Oil on canvas, 227 x 162.5 cm
강철규Fishing for Dinner, 2023, Oil on canvas, 227 x 162.5 cm
Keep Going, 2022, color on ceramic, pencil, acrylic, charcoal
갑빠오Keep Going, 2022, color on ceramic, pencil, acrylic, charcoal
Food, 1992, Acrylic on paper collage and cloth, 84.5 × 119 cm
고영훈Food, 1992, Acrylic on paper collage and cloth, 84.5 × 119 cm
Fire Flower, 2007, Acrylic, glass, painted steel, 130 × 120 × 30 cm
권기수Fire Flower, 2007, Acrylic, glass, painted steel, 130 × 120 × 30 cm
찰나 Chalna-A man & headphone CII, 2013, resin, steel, acrylic paint, wood board, 110 × 30 × 150 cm
권대훈찰나 Chalna-A man & headphone CII, 2013, resin, steel, acrylic paint, wood board, 110 × 30 × 150 cm
낯선 숲의 일탈자들, 2022, Oil on canvas, 194x260cm
권여현낯선 숲의 일탈자들, 2022, Oil on canvas, 194x260cm
귀가 큰 아이/A Blessed Child, pigment print, 2017, 36.4 × 53 cm, ed. 30/99
권수현귀가 큰 아이/A Blessed Child, pigment print, 2017, 36.4 × 53 cm, ed. 30/99
의자의 진화, 2009, Iron, 65 × 45 × 45 cm
김경환의자의 진화, 2009, Iron, 65 × 45 × 45 cm
자유문고, 2021, 9 x 18.5cm, Pencil on paper
김기찬자유문고, 2021, 9 x 18.5cm, Pencil on paper
전봇대_3, 2023, 11.5x20cm, Pencil on paper
김기찬전봇대_3, 2023, 11.5x20cm, Pencil on paper
전봇대_5, 2023, 20 x 15cm, Pencil on paper
김기찬전봇대_5, 2023, 20 x 15cm, Pencil on paper
나를 앉은 의자, 2024, 화선지 위 수묵수채, 130.3 x 97 cm
김기태나를 앉은 의자, 2024, 화선지 위 수묵수채, 130.3 x 97 cm
Ruler No. 9, 2012, Mother of pearl paint on wood, H230 × W179 × D40 cm, ed. 1/3
김승주Ruler No. 9, 2012, Mother of pearl paint on wood, H230 × W179 × D40 cm, ed. 1/3
뿔이 난 아이, 2022, 조합토, 색유 1250도 산화소성, 테라시즐레타, 은, 수금, 41 × 22 × 77 cm
김영미뿔이 난 아이, 2022, 조합토, 색유 1250도 산화소성, 테라시즐레타, 은, 수금, 41 × 22 × 77 cm
Cling to a circle, 2018, Resin, 30 × 30 × 50 cm
김용경Cling to a circle, 2018, Resin, 30 × 30 × 50 cm
까맣게 타 들어가는 내속을 네가 알까 You wouldn't know my burning heart, 2023, Urethan resin, steel 15x13x29cm ed.1/6
김용경까맣게 타 들어가는 내속을 네가 알까 You wouldn't know my burning heart, 2023, Urethan resin, steel 15x13x29cm ed.1/6
당기지 마시오 (Don't Pull), 2014, Brass, 45 × 60 × 16 cm
김인배당기지 마시오 (Don't Pull), 2014, Brass, 45 × 60 × 16 cm
Letter to her _Hope you are not lonesome, 2016, Embroidery on digital pigment print, 67 × 54 cm
김진희Letter to her _Hope you are not lonesome, 2016, Embroidery on digital pigment print, 67 × 54 cm
If You Go Away, 2008, Mamiya Pro645, 150mm, Fujicolor provia ISO 100, 90 × 120 cm, ed. 5/7
김태균If You Go Away, 2008, Mamiya Pro645, 150mm, Fujicolor provia ISO 100, 90 × 120 cm, ed. 5/7
동쪽 끝에서, 2019, C-print, 200 × 68 cm
김태균동쪽 끝에서, 2019, C-print, 200 × 68 cm
동쪽 끝에서, 2022, C-print, 80 × 15 cm
김태균동쪽 끝에서, 2022, C-print, 80 × 15 cm
Bearlike Construction, 2017, Resin, 50 × 38 × 44(h) cm, ed. 4/5 + 2AP
김홍석Bearlike Construction, 2017, Resin, 50 × 38 × 44(h) cm, ed. 4/5 + 2AP
Someone's Portrait (누군가의 초상), 2016, Photography on LED light, Half mirror, interactive censor, Wooden Frame, 47.7 × 57.7 × 42 cm, ed. 3/6
김희원Someone's Portrait (누군가의 초상), 2016, Photography on LED light, Half mirror, interactive censor, Wooden Frame, 47.7 × 57.7 × 42 cm, ed. 3/6
Daily Fiction series (30works(옷걸이), 6works(바지걸이)), 2016, 36 drawings(Water color on paper), Steel frame, bags, Printed PVC mats, dimension variable
노상호Daily Fiction series (30works(옷걸이), 6works(바지걸이)), 2016, 36 drawings(Water color on paper), Steel frame, bags, Printed PVC mats, dimension variable
Blind, 2024, Stoneware, Glaze, Acrylic Paint
모현서Blind, 2024, Stoneware, Glaze, Acrylic Paint
Blind (series), 2024, Ceramics, Transparent glaze, Porcelain Paint, Gold Luster, Acrylic Paint, Hand Building
모현서Blind (series), 2024, Ceramics, Transparent glaze, Porcelain Paint, Gold Luster, Acrylic Paint, Hand Building
여름풍경 Summer Landscape, 2012, Ink on paper, 26 × 18.2 cm
문성식여름풍경 Summer Landscape, 2012, Ink on paper, 26 × 18.2 cm
여름풍경 Summer Landscape, 2012, Ink on paper, 26 × 18.2 cm
문성식여름풍경 Summer Landscape, 2012, Ink on paper, 26 × 18.2 cm
和(화)2, 1987, Bronze, 100 × 20 × 65 cm
문신和(화)2, 1987, Bronze, 100 × 20 × 65 cm
안개의정원, 2015, 캔버스에 아크릴, 162 x 130 cm
박광수안개의정원, 2015, 캔버스에 아크릴, 162 x 130 cm
붉은강, 2022, 캔버스에 유채, 53 x 45.5 cm
박광수붉은강, 2022, 캔버스에 유채, 53 x 45.5 cm
Width(13), 2016, Oil on Canvas, 15.5 × 22 cm
박기원Width(13), 2016, Oil on Canvas, 15.5 × 22 cm
무제, 25 × 20 cm(Ther first collection of Koohouse Museum)
박수근무제, 25 × 20 cm(Ther first collection of Koohouse Museum)
Untitled, 2013, mixed media / 7 pieces, 16 × 10 cm(each)
박승순Untitled, 2013, mixed media / 7 pieces, 16 × 10 cm(each)
Untitled 5-3 (red), 2019, Candy color coating, bronze, 40 × 30 × 11 cm, ed. 1/5
배형경Untitled 5-3 (red), 2019, Candy color coating, bronze, 40 × 30 × 11 cm, ed. 1/5
Untitled, 2010, bronze, iron, 38 × 38 × 162 cm
배형경Untitled, 2010, bronze, iron, 38 × 38 × 162 cm
말로는 다 할 수 없는 것 (Not Enough in Words), Bronze, 180 × 55 × 45 cm
배형경말로는 다 할 수 없는 것 (Not Enough in Words), Bronze, 180 × 55 × 45 cm
Born Again, 1991, Patinated bronze of a Kuba television w.3 television monitors, antennae, plug, 59 × 48 × 15 cm
백남준Born Again, 1991, Patinated bronze of a Kuba television w.3 television monitors, antennae, plug, 59 × 48 × 15 cm
Fin de Siecle Man(세기말의 사람), 1991, mixed media, 62 × 43 × 126 cm
백남준Fin de Siecle Man(세기말의 사람), 1991, mixed media, 62 × 43 × 126 cm
Video Sonata Op.56, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 19/40
백남준Video Sonata Op.56, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 19/40
Video Sonata Op.57, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 18/40
백남준Video Sonata Op.57, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 18/40
Gate-Small, 2003, Silk, stainless steel, tube, 326.5 × 211.5 × 100 cm, ed. 2/3
서도호Gate-Small, 2003, Silk, stainless steel, tube, 326.5 × 211.5 × 100 cm, ed. 2/3
Tangled Man, 2019, Thread embedded in handmade cotton paper, 206 × 305 × 7 cm
서도호Tangled Man, 2019, Thread embedded in handmade cotton paper, 206 × 305 × 7 cm
황실의 품위 The Dignity of the Imperial Household-계명지조(鷄鳴之助), 2016, Gold foils copper foils gold particles mineral color ink on Korean paper, 73 × 53 cm
서수영황실의 품위 The Dignity of the Imperial Household-계명지조(鷄鳴之助), 2016, Gold foils copper foils gold particles mineral color ink on Korean paper, 73 × 53 cm
배변의 기술, 2010, 철에 채색, 35 × 55 × 25 cm, ed. 4/5
손현욱배변의 기술, 2010, 철에 채색, 35 × 55 × 25 cm, ed. 4/5
여름방학, 2022, mixed media on canvas, 73 × 91 cm
지나손여름방학, 2022, mixed media on canvas, 73 × 91 cm
Head, 1995, Ceramic, H30 × W28 × D27 cm
신상호Head, 1995, Ceramic, H30 × W28 × D27 cm
There Is No Essence - Buddha, 2013, Paper, urethane clear on paper, 50 × 50 × 50 cm
신호윤There Is No Essence - Buddha, 2013, Paper, urethane clear on paper, 50 × 50 × 50 cm
The Sea of Pink Ice, 2016, Oil on canvas, 194 × 259 cm
안지산The Sea of Pink Ice, 2016, Oil on canvas, 194 × 259 cm
Blue Mineral, 2016, Hand-tufted Wool, Viscos, 170 × 210 cm, ed. 1/10
에이치오씨(HoC. House of Collections) 조정미.홍지연.이지나Blue Mineral, 2016, Hand-tufted Wool, Viscos, 170 × 210 cm, ed. 1/10
Classic No. 1915, 2010, Single channel video looped, video projected onto canvas, separate furniture set (table, poster frame, shoes, books, postcards), 141 × 250 × 3 cm, ed. 1/5
오용석Classic No. 1915, 2010, Single channel video looped, video projected onto canvas, separate furniture set (table, poster frame, shoes, books, postcards), 141 × 250 × 3 cm, ed. 1/5
The Unknown 2, 2024, Oil on canvas, 33.4 x 19 cm
유리The Unknown 2, 2024, Oil on canvas, 33.4 x 19 cm
너는 우박창고에 가본 적이 있니? Have you Been to a Hail Storage?, 2003, 종이에 색연필 Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
윤석남너는 우박창고에 가본 적이 있니? Have you Been to a Hail Storage?, 2003, 종이에 색연필 Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
불타는 땅 The Burning Earth , 2001, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
윤석남불타는 땅 The Burning Earth , 2001, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
어머니, 어머니, 엄마, 엄마... Mother, Mother, Mom, Mom…, 2003, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
윤석남어머니, 어머니, 엄마, 엄마... Mother, Mother, Mom, Mom…, 2003, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
적절한 관계 Ⅱ - 그 바람의 방향 Appropriate Relationship Ⅱ - And lts Desired Direction, 2001, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
윤석남적절한 관계 Ⅱ - 그 바람의 방향 Appropriate Relationship Ⅱ - And lts Desired Direction, 2001, 종이에 색연필, Colored pencil on paper, 45 x 30 cm
Jung(융), 2020, Oil painting on iron, 24.2 × 29 × 20 cm
이근세Jung(융), 2020, Oil painting on iron, 24.2 × 29 × 20 cm
구스타 융, 2021, Painting on Stainless Steel, 157.4 × 32.5 × 162.5 cm
이근세구스타 융, 2021, Painting on Stainless Steel, 157.4 × 32.5 × 162.5 cm
닭, 2011, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
이근세닭, 2011, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
닭, 2013, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
이근세닭, 2013, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
닭, 2013, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
이근세닭, 2013, Stainless Steel, Painting, 31 × 14 × 23 cm, Unique
닭-우편함, 2011, 판금 후 페인팅, 154 × 63 × 30 cm, ed. 2/30
이근세닭-우편함, 2011, 판금 후 페인팅, 154 × 63 × 30 cm, ed. 2/30
닭-우편함, 2011, 판금 후 페인팅, 154 × 63 × 30 cm, ed. 2/30
이근세닭-우편함, 2011, 판금 후 페인팅, 154 × 63 × 30 cm, ed. 2/30
무위지향마(無爲志向馬), 2014, FRP, Stainless Steel, 85 × 150 × 34 cm
이근세무위지향마(無爲志向馬), 2014, FRP, Stainless Steel, 85 × 150 × 34 cm
수면양(L), 2018, FRP, Iron, 32.5 × 21 × 26.5 cm
이근세수면양(L), 2018, FRP, Iron, 32.5 × 21 × 26.5 cm
수면양(XL), 2018, FRP, Iron, 42 × 57 × 37 cm
이근세수면양(XL), 2018, FRP, Iron, 42 × 57 × 37 cm
Mirror, 2019, Digital Archival Print, 40 × 55 cm
이도형Mirror, 2019, Digital Archival Print, 40 × 55 cm
Mirror, 2019, Digital Archival Print, 45 × 43 cm
이도형Mirror, 2019, Digital Archival Print, 45 × 43 cm
Untitled, Digital Archival Print, 100 × 74 cm
이도형Untitled, Digital Archival Print, 100 × 74 cm
Icon - Audrey Hepburn, 2013, Acrylic, resin, crystal on canvas, 65.1 × 53 cm
이동재Icon - Audrey Hepburn, 2013, Acrylic, resin, crystal on canvas, 65.1 × 53 cm
PCS, 2018, plastic ABS coated on white paint, 70 × 45 × 65 cm
이병찬PCS, 2018, plastic ABS coated on white paint, 70 × 45 × 65 cm
PCS, 2018, plastic ABS coated on white paint, 80 × 45 × 65 cm
이병찬PCS, 2018, plastic ABS coated on white paint, 80 × 45 × 65 cm
moved landscape (소금창고 22), 2021, Mixed Media, 25 × 25 cm
이부강moved landscape (소금창고 22), 2021, Mixed Media, 25 × 25 cm
Trace Landscape, Mixed Media, 2018, 94 × 149 cm
이부강Trace Landscape, Mixed Media, 2018, 94 × 149 cm
Trace Skyline22, 2020, Mixed Media, 50 × 23 cm
이부강Trace Skyline22, 2020, Mixed Med