박광수안개의정원, 2015, 캔버스에 아크릴, 162 x 130 cm
박광수붉은강, 2022, 캔버스에 유채, 53 x 45.5 cm
박기원Width(13), 2016, Oil on Canvas, 15.5 × 22 cm
박수근무제, 25 × 20 cm(Ther first collection of Koohouse Museum)
박승순Untitled, 2013, mixed media / 7 pieces, 16 × 10 cm(each)
배형경Untitled 5-3 (red), 2019, Candy color coating, bronze, 40 × 30 × 11 cm, ed. 1/5
배형경Untitled, 2010, bronze, iron, 38 × 38 × 162 cm
배형경말로는 다 할 수 없는 것 (Not Enough in Words), Bronze, 180 × 55 × 45 cm
백남준Born Again, 1991, Patinated bronze of a Kuba television w.3 television monitors, antennae, plug, 59 × 48 × 15 cm
백남준Fin de Siecle Man(세기말의 사람), 1991, mixed media, 62 × 43 × 126 cm
백남준Video Sonata Op.56, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 19/40
백남준Video Sonata Op.57, 1995, Silkscreen and collage on aluminum, 45 × 56 × 4 cm, ed. 18/40